Auto Accidents in Ogden UT

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Auto accidents are very common in the United States with car crashes happening every 11 seconds. In the State of Utah, there are over 52,000 car accidents each year. We all know someone that has been in a car accident, you might even be that person.

Car crash injuries oftentimes lead to pain, headaches, and backache and increase your stress to high levels. We may find it hard to sleep and this impacts our ability to work and function. In the US, nearly 300,000 people become disabled each year due to untreated auto injuries. These auto accident injuries in Ogden UT weigh us down, and rob us of the energy and vitality of life.

We are Chiropractic Physicians who know how to treat car crash injuries and decrease pain and suffering due to auto accidents. We investigate all your symptoms and find the best solution to help you feel like yourself again. We provide easy-to-follow treatment plans that help you to recover quickly and remain pain-free long after your car accident.

Located in Ogden, Utah within easy driving distance of I-15, you can achieve optimal recovery from symptoms of headaches, shoulder pain, jaw pain, neck pain, and much more.

Ogden auto accident care is essential for your return to your lifestyle. We understand your needs and will spend all the time needed to help you get the most out of your care.

What do I do now in Ogden UT?

Here are some of the most common things to think about as you begin your path to recovery.

Pioneer Chiropractic Wellness is one of the best-suited centers to handle your auto accident injury. We have all the latest treatment techniques that have been proven to decrease the time that is required to recuperate from your auto accident.

Your discomfort and other symptoms are sure to decrease quickly and with longer-lasting results with the use of:

  • Massage
  • Low-Level Laser
  • Ultrasound
  • Interferential Current
  • And other electric waveforms

We use the latest technology with chiropractic adjustments to restore muscle integrity, normal joint motion, and the way you live. Pain-Free!!

Title 31A Chapter 22 Section 309 (31A-22-309) of the Utah State law states that every insured driver is guaranteed a minimum of $3000 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) mandatory in the auto insurance policy. What does this mean to you? Simply stated, if you are involved in an auto accident, your fault or not, you (and everyone in your car) are guaranteed the option to receive up to $3000 of medical treatment following your accident. We all know that $3000 is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to medical costs, but this is a start to getting you back to feeling like yourself again.

Medical expenses for auto accident can add up quickly, leaving most care to be paid by you personally. With the $3000 minimum PIP, an ambulance ride to the ER where they do an MRI is sure to take up all this, leaving you to figure out how to get the real treatments that will help you to feel better as well as get you off the addictive pain medications and return to work so you can enjoy your life as you did before.

Did you know that in most cases, this PIP benefit can be increased to $10,000 or even $25,000 of coverage for just a few extra dollars each month. We are talking about a $10 difference in your monthly payments to increase your benefit over 8 times. This will definitely help you breathe easier just knowing that you are covered beyond the hospital. You can use this extra coverage to get the treatments you need, not just the medications that cover the symptoms until the money runs out.

Some food for thought. Even though there is only minimal to no visual damage to your car, your body absorbs nearly 5 times its weight in force through the collision.

In a study published in the JMPT (1998) suggests that low speed collisions of 2.5 mph may produce occupant symptoms, and visual damage to your vehicle may not be evident until 8.7 mph is achieved. This study shows that a 4 MPH rear-end collision puts your head and neck through 5G’s of force. Your neck is accustomed to holding 8 to 10 pounds in place, but with a small collision, your neck now has to hold nearly 50 pounds as it goes through the ‘whipping’ motion. (10 lbs. x 5G’s=50 lbs.) Its no wonder why your neck will hurt after getting bumped.

You may feel symptoms of neck and shoulder pain and stiffness, headache, jaw pain, low back pain and even leg and knee pain. You may even have symptoms of mental fogginess or a feeling of just not working right and these symptoms might come on even a couple of weeks later.

If you have been in an auto accident, check with us. We can help reduce and even eliminate the symptoms you will have. We specialize in helping you through recovery from your auto accident.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (801) 317-4757.


Title 31A Chapter 22 Section 309 – Limitations, exclusions and conditions to personal injury protection – State of Utah;

Rear-end impacts: vehicle and occupant response.; Davis CG (JMPT 1998 Nov-Dec;21(9):629-39 –


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday
By Appointment Only

Pioneer Chiropractic Wellness

1920 W 250 N Suite 24
Ogden, UT 84404

(801) 317-4757
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